Land of the Bedouins


Culture | Silk Road

Welcome to Jordan, the gateway to the Middle East

11 days Ask us for pricing This is the price per person for a private tour (based on 2 people travelling) excluding international flights. Contact us for pricing for other group sizes including individuals.
Intro, Dates & Prices


This tour takes in the main highlights of Jordan and a few hidden gems. Petra, with its jaw-dropping rock carvings and landscapes, often steals the show, but Jordan offers much more, and is crammed with ancient and geological treasures. From the Roman amphitheatres and temples of Jerash, and the mosaics of Madaba, to the unreal sand dunes of Wadi Rum. Float effortlessly in the Dead Sea looking across to Israel, and spend a night in the eco-friendly Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan’s largest nature reserve.


  • Wander the White City of Amman
  • The ancient ruins of Jerash
  • A photogenic icon of Jordan's desert castles.
  • One of Jordan's desert castles, a redoubt for T.E. Lawrence in 1917.
  • Madaba`s famous mosaics
  • Dana Biosphere Reserve - amazing natural beauty
  • Petra - stunning carvings and landscape
  • A night under the desert sky
  • Float in the Dead Sea - the lowest point on Earth

Places Visited

Amman - Desert Castles - Shaumari Wildlife Reserve - Qasr Kharana - Qasr Al Azraq - Madaba - Dana Biosphere Reserve - Crusader’s Castle of Kerak - Petra - Wadi Rum - Bethany - Dead Sea

What's Included

Airport pick-up & drop-off
Ground transport
Entrance fees to sites
Meals: refer to itinerary meal plan
Drivers and guides

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Day 1 : Amman

Arrive into Amman airport where you will be met by a Travel The Unknown representative and transferred to your hotel. Overnight in a comfortable hotel in Amman.

Overnight in Ambassador Hotel, Amman

Meal plan: n/a

Now Jordan’s rapidly-developing capital, and the wealthiest in the Middle East outside the gulf, Amman can be dated back to Pre-Neolithic Times, and is referred to in the Bible as ‘Rabbat Ammon’. In the past, conquered by the Assyrians, the Persians and the Macedonians, Amman’s most impressive ancient sites date to Roman times. The old citadel area, situated on a hill overlooking the city, boasts the Temple of Hercules, originally constructed by Marcus Aurelius in the late 1st century and modelled on the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Turkey. However, some of the temple remains are thought to date to the Bronze Age.

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Day 2 : Amman - Salt - Amman

After breakfast you'll depart for the ancient city of Salt, the first capital of Jordan. Wander the old town and narrow streets surrounded by yellow sandstone buildings. Return to Amman for a tour of the city, visiting museums and souks, the Citadel, and of course the Roman Amphitheatre. The afternoon brings a delicious street food experieince along Rainbow Street, with tastes of falafel, shwarmah, and local teas and coffee. Return to the hotel in the evening. 

Overnight in Ambassador Hotel, Amman

Meal plan: Breakfast

Salt, the first capital of Jordan. It houses the tomb of the biblical Job, a wealthy, righteous man from the Land of Uz as well as the tomb of the prophet Jethro, who was Moses' father-in-law. Take a walk through the streets of the old city of Salt where you will be surrounded by splendid yellow sandstone buildings incorporating a variety of local and European styles - typically with domed roofs, interior courtyards, and characteristic tall arched windows.

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Day 3 : Amman - Ajloun - Jerash - Amman

Today brings you North of the capital to some incredible historical sites. Starting with Jerash, you'll find part of the Roman Empire's Decapolic with theatres, churches, temples to Zeus and Artemis, and a Nymphaeum. Enjoy lunch here before proceeding to the Saracen castle at Ajlun and then back to Amman.

Overnight in Ambassador Hotel, Amman

Meal plan: Breakfast & lunch

Jerash is one of the biggest preserved Roman cities outside of Italy.The history of Jerash is a blend of the Greco-Roman world of the Mediterranean basin and the ancient traditions of the Arab Orient. A close contender to Petra for Jordan’s favourite destination, this ancient city has survived for a staggering 6,500 years, boasting an unbroken chain of human occupation. First established by Alexander the Great, Jerash had its golden age under Roman rule and most of its ruins date to this time. Hidden for centuries in sand, Jerash has been excavated and restored over the past 70 years, and now stands almost as it would have appeared in its former glory. A fascinating example of the grand style of provincial Roman urbanism found throughout the Middle East, beguiling Jerash is composed of elaborately paved and colonnaded streets, handsome theatres, public squares and plazas, baths and fountains, and overlooked by striking hilltop temples. Surrounding the city are the old city walls, pierced by the remains of ancient towers and gates.

Hilltop town Ajloun is best known for its impressive 12th century crusader castle, Qailat Al Rabat. Dominating a stretch of the Jordan Valley, the fortress was the site from which Saladin launched his successful campaigns against the crusaders. Originally boasting four towers, parts of the castle, including the battlements, were destroyed by the Mongol’s attack in the 13th century, and two earthquakes in the 19th and 20th centuries did further damage, but today Jordan is committed to a restoration program. Aljoun is also allegedly the birthplace of the Prophet Elijahand, and the site of Tell Mar Elias is located just outside the city, boasting some exquisite Byzantine Church mosaics. Also nearby is the serene Lady of the Mountain Church.

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Day 4 : Amman - Qasr Amra - Azraq - Shaumari - Amman

This morning you'll head out to visit the Desert Castles, Qasr Amra and Azraq, as well as the fortress of Qasr Kharana and old Umayyad hunting retreat at Qasr al-Azraq. For lunch, you'll head to the home of a local Druze family to dine on traditional delicacies. The afternoon brings you to the Azraq Wetland Reserve, an oasis in the eastern desert for migratory birds, and Shaumari Wildlife Reserve for locally endangered and extinct species. At the end of the day, head back for your final night in Amman. 

Overnight in Ambassador Hotel, Amman

Meal plan: Breakfast & lunch

Jordan’s Desert Castles are some of the most spectacular examples of early Islamic architecture and their remains bring to life this fascinating period of Jordan’s rich historical past. Boasting striking examples of early Islamic art, the castles are littered with ancient mosaics, frescos, stone and stucco carvings and illustrations, which depict life as it was in the 8th century and are inspired by Greco-Roman traditions. Interestingly these desert complexes were only called castles thanks to their imposing structure, and actually served multiple purposes as caravan stations, trade and agricultural centres, or even resort pavilions and outposts that enabled rulers from neighbouring cities to forge ties with local Bedouins. 

Established in 1975 by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Shaumari Wildlife Reserve was created as a breeding ground for endangered and locally extinct wildlife. Today, this small 22 square kilometer reserve is a thriving environment for the somali ostrich, Persian onager, gazelle and oryx. Until 1978, there had been no wild sightings of the Arabian Oryx for 6 years. However, the Flora and Fauna Preservation Society and WWF’s efforts at an international rescue meant that by the early 80s, 11 Arabian Oryxs had been relocated to Shaumari and since multiplied in the 100s. 

A fort hewn from black basalt and dating from 1237 as an outpost defending Crusader aggression, a visit to Qasr Al Azraq pulls back layer upon layer of this desert's history. Even Lawrence of Arabia was stationed here in the winter of 1917-18 at the height of the Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. 

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Day 5 : Amman - Mt Nebo - Madaba - Um ar-Rasas - Kerak - Dana

Early in the morning you'll pack up and head first to Mt. Nebo, the alleged burial site of Moses. Then it's a short drive to Madaba where the Church of St. George is home of the Mosaic Map of Palestine on it's floors. Dine in a local restaurant before you're transported to Um ar-Rasas, known ancientally as Kastron Mefa'a. Once accessible by The King's Highway, the world's oldest continuously used communication route, you'll find yourself in Jordan's arid-steppes. Back on the royal route, you'll make your way to Kerak and finally to Dana. 

Overnight in Dana Guest House, Dana Biosphere Reserve

Meal plan: Breakfast & lunch

The Church of St. George in Madaba is the home of the Mosaic Map of Palestine, which represents the Holy Land and its surrounding regions. The mosaic, made around 560, measures a staggering 25 by 5 meters and was originally composed of over 2.3 million pieces. 

Kerak lies on the ancient caravan routes that used to connect Egypt to Syria and its' commanding position almost 1000 meters above the Dead Sea Valley made it a strategic asset of great importance. The city was the ancient capital of Moab and was also used by the Greeks and Romans. Kerak reached its full splendor in the 12th century with the arrival of the Crusaders. The major attraction at Kerak is the magnificent Crusader fortress of Kerak, which made Kerak the new capital of the province; superbly situated on the King's Highway where it could control all traffic from the north and the south and grow rich by the imposition of road-tolls. This castle soars above its' valleys and hills like a great ship riding waves of rock; an excellent example of the Crusaders' architectural military genius.

Um ar-Rasas is a UNESCO World Heritage site located south of Madaba, off the King's Highway. The site contains Roman, Byzantine and Muslim ruins including churches and a military camp. The Church of Stephen has the largest perfectly preserved mosaic floor in Jordan. This mosaic depicts hunting and fishing scenes and the most important cities of the region (including Kastron Mefaa, Philadelphia, Madaba, Esbounta, Belemounta, Areopolis, Charac Moaba, Jerusalem, Nablus, Caesarea and Gaza).

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Day 6 : Dana Biosphere Reserve

Free day in Dana Biosphere Reserve, where many species, elevations, and thus levels of hiking are to be enjoyed. Local food for lunch and dinner is included at your Guesthouse, cooked by the local women. If you prefer a guided hike, this is available at additional cost. 

. Optional hiking - from a 1 hour gentle walk to a full day strenuous trek (guide in park at additional cost). Overnight in Dana.

Overnight in Dana Guest House, Dana Biosphere Reserve

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan’s most impressive eco-project, ranges in elevation from sandstone cliffs of over 1500m to the Wadi Arabi desert at 50m below sea level. Home to many species of plants and animals, the park is the perfect place to go hiking or just to relax.

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Day 7 : Dana - Shobak - Petra

After breakfast, drive to Shobak castle which is known as Mont Realis (Montreal), yet another castle in the great chain of Crusader fortresses which stretches across Jordan. The proceed to Petra where the afternoon is free. 

Note: Enjoy Petra in a unique way on a Petra by Night tour where you will walk through the candle-lit Siq and reach the Treasury where Bedouin music is played and a cup of tea will be ready to warm you up. Available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only

Overnight in Petra Moon Hotel, Petra

Meal plan: Breakfast

2000 years ago the town of Shobak was the greatest city of the Arab nation. Today, the remains of the once spectacular Shobak Castle are set in barren surroundings, dominating the landscape on a hill some 1,300 metres above sea level and towering over the valley of fruit-trees below. Isolated from the town of Shobak, Shobak Castle’s appearance certainly captures the imagination. The remains of the castle today are mostly additions and reconstructions made during the Mamluk period, but numerous Crusader features still survive. In the North-East corner, the keep is decorated with Quaranic inscriptions in Kufic script which are thought to date to the time of Saladin. The castle also boasts two churches, the first one with a baptistery and the second with a crusader cross carved into the wall. Beneath the second church are catacombs, containing Christian carvings, Islamic tablets and what are considered to be the remains of Saladin’s throne.

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Day 8 : Petra

Full day visit of the site of Petra. Walking into Petra you will quickly realize why this ancient city is one of the world's wonders. The Victorian traveler and poet Dean Burgon gave Petra a description which holds to this day -"Match me such a marvel save in Eastern clime, a rose-red city half as old as time". Yet words can hardly do justice to the magnificence that is Petra.

Overnight in Petra Moon Hotel, Petra

Meal plan: Breakfast

Petra is one of the world's greatest heritage sites and one of the world's seven New Wonders - an ancient rock city that was the capital of the Nabatean Kingdom. Built around 2,300 years ago, the imposing rose-stone palaces are an impressive testament to the power and influence of the Nabateans who controlled trade around the area in the 3rd century BC. Petra is surrounded by hills in which tombs have been carved into the pink sandstone. The site includes some 800 structures.

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Day 9 : Petra - Wadi Rum

After breakfast we head to Wadi Rum where we will meet our Bedouin host at Rum village. Head out by Jeep to get aquainted with this incredible desert through it's lesser-known sites and enjoying a picnic lunch. Watch as the desert changes colour with the setting sun, before heading back to our camp in the heart of the desert for a feast of Zarb - a traditional Bedouin dish of meat and vegetables cooked underneath the desert's sand, and a night under the Milky Way.

Overnight in Sun City Camp, Wadi Rum

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Wadi Rum is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in south-west Jordan. It has been inhabited by many human cultures since prehistoric times and is dotted with massive rock formations. It is virtually untouched by humanity and its destructive forces. Here, it is the weather and winds that have carved the imposing, towering skyscrapers, so elegantly described by T.E. Lawrence as “vast, echoing and god-like”. Much of David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia was filmed in Wadi Rum.

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Day 10 : Wadi Rum - Bethany - The Dead Sea

In the morning we leave Wadi Rum and head towards the Dead Sea, stopping first at the Baptism Site of Al-Maghtas (Bethany Beyond the Jordan). We then head to the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth, to check in to your hotel with lunch. The afternoon ia at leisure to indulge in the unique experieinces of the Dead Sea.

Overnight in Dead Sea Spa Hotel, Dead Sea

Meal plan: Breakfast & lunch

Without a doubt one of the world’s most amazing places, the Jordan Rift Valley is a dramatic, beautiful landscape which, at the Dead Sea, is over 400m (1,312 ft.) below sea level. The lowest point on the face of the earth, this vast stretch of water receives a number of incoming rivers, including the River Jordan. Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are land-locked and have nowhere to go, so they evaporate, leaving behind a dense, rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products. The Dead Sea is flanked by mountains to the east and the rolling hills of Jerusalem to the west, giving it an almost other-worldly beauty. Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the area is believed to have been home to five Biblical cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Adman, Zebouin and Zoar (Bela).

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Day 11 : Departure

Today is an early start as all good things come to an end, you'll transfer to Amman airport for your onward flight home.

Meal plan: Breakfast



All accommodation subject to availability. Final accommodation choices will be confirmed after booking.

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Dana Guest House

Dana Biosphere Reserve (2 nights)

Perched on the edge of Wadi Dana, this beautifully styled building offers a homely atmosphere with breathtaking views of the reserve. It contains 9 clean and comfortable bedrooms (with shared bathroom facilities), each with a private terrace overlooking a 1,000 metre drop to the basin of the Wadi Dana. Traditional Arabic food is also served here. Wi-Fi can be accessed in public areas. 

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Petra Moon Hotel

Petra (2 nights)

Situated just 150m from the entrance gate to Petra, the hotel features spacious rooms with flat-screen TVs. It is a family owned hotel standing on the site of the original family home. Enjoy dining on traditional and international cuisine under moonlight on the rooftop terrace and relax with a drink at the bar.

Visit hotel's site
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Sun City Camp

Wadi Rum (1 night)

Sun City Camp is located in the Ramm area of Wadi Rum. It offers luxurious facilities (like a stay in the Martian tent) and is a great base for exploring the surrounding area. There is 24-hour room service, free wifi and an on-site restaurant.

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Dead Sea Spa Hotel

Dead Sea (1 night)

Dead Sea Spa Hotel is situated on the shores of the Dead Sea, 420 meters below sea level at what is known as the lowest point on Earth. Located within an hour from Queen Alia Airport and 45 minutes from Amman, the hotel offers breathtaking views of the world’s deepest salt lake and the surrounding mountains. Rooms feature a blend of modern and resort-style amenities with sea, pool or mountain vistas.

Visit hotel's site

Trekking in Jordan (3-12 days)

Trek through Jordan's undiscovered trails

Water Sport at the Red Sea (1-7 days)

Discover the Red Sea's exhilarating range of water sports

Jordan Trail: Day Hikes (4 days)

Day trek ideas along the Jordan Trail.

Land of the Bedouins (11 days)

Welcome to Jordan, the gateway to the Middle East

Along Bedouin Trails (11 days)

Walk the Land of the Bedouins

Petra and Beyond (Archaeology Tour) (9 days)

Discover Jordan's archaeological secrets

Hidden Treasures of Jordan (8 days)

Special tour for Uncharted X clients

Classical Jordan (6 days)

The highlights and history of Jordan


Thank you for organising our Jordan trip. We both had a fantastic time, everything went very smoothly,and this is the first time I have ever used an ‘organised trip’ but it made everything stress free and enjoyable. Very well organised. The driver Bashir, was absolutely brilliant - very friendly, kind,patient, and informative and really made the trip special and memorable for us and we learnt many things on route that would never have known if it wasn’t for local information. Thank you very much for your support for a wonderful trip!

Nikki Kemp , Tailormade Jordan

What a great trip this was. Jordan is a magical county, the people friendly, the weather marvellous, the sights, sounds and smells unique. The small group got on well and I will definitely be back on one of your trips again soon.

Marie , Along Bedouin Trails, Jordan

Jerash was fascinating, loved the mud at the Dead Sea, Bethany was very interesting. Petra by night... AMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAZZZING, candle-lit all the way to the treasury with two musical instruments being played - the sound echoing around the city was truly mesmerizing, a wonderfully mystical experience. Fantastic guide too. Thanks for all your help.

David & Julia McPhail , Tailormade Jordan

Travel The Unknown provided me with an excellent opportunity to discover the amazing country that is Jordan. Without their organisation and attention to detail I would have never have experienced so much diversity and interest in such a short time. Thanks so much.

Ian Shaw , Land of the Bedouins, Jordan
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